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From Wikimania 2010 • Gdańsk, Poland • July 9-11, 2010

Talks and workshops on Friday

Friday: 11:30 – 13:00

Chapters: Collaboration and Coordination

Session Chair: Lodewijk Gelauff

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
P10 Creative Commons global affiliate network–origin, role, future, including collaboration and shared learnings with Wikimedia chapters Mike Linksvayer, Michelle Thorne, Alek Tarkowski PaC Creative Commons' 100+ affiliates are sometimes cited in Wikimedia chapter discussions. We'll discuss the reality of the network, how we've been inspired by Wikimedia chapters, future collaboration and lesson sharing. Panel, 45min x
P22 Wikimedia Asia Project Morgan Chan, Jeromy-Yu Chan, Ting Chen, Bishakha Datta, Josh Lim, Srinivas Gunta PaC The Wikimedia Asia Project is an effort by chapters in the Asian region (population ~3 billion) to coordinate in sharing knowledge, pooling resources, hosting events and promoting Wikimedia across Asia. Panel, 45min x

Brainstorming Wikimedia and Social Media

Session Chair: Florence Devouard

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
W10 Brainstorming Wikimedia and social media Florence Devouard PaC Discussion and sharing of practices regarding use of social media to pursue our mission; Identification of benefits, opportunites, risks etc; Hopefully, some seeds for a future strategy or at least discovery of new uses or new tools. Workshop, 1.5h x


Session Chair: Jan-Bart de Vreede

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
115 Wikiversity: a project struggling with its scope and identity Cormac Lawler KaC This talk will give an overview of Wikiversity's development as a Wikimedia project, detailing the problems that it has faced over its first few years, particularly the challenges of defining what a wiki-based space for learning should be and do. lp x
20 Collaborative Lesson Planning Charles Jeffrey Danoff KaC This talk explores the idea of teachers posting lesson plans on Wikiversity pertaining to common textbook chapters or topics for simultaneous checking, editing, and copying from colleagues the world over. sp x
26 Designing Tools for Supporting Wikiversity Courses: the Case of EduFeedr Hans Põldoja, Teemu Leinonen KaC The presentation focuses on open courses where Wikiversity is used with blogs and social software. We present a tool for following and supporting student activities in this kind of courses. sp x
116 Creating free audio for Wikimedia projects A1 KaC What can we do to make a collection of audio files in wikimedia useful for educational purposes sp x

Accessibility Workshop

Session Chair:

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
34 First steps towards accessibility Rodan Bury ALL How Wikipedia can become accessible: improvements needed in Mediawiki's core and extensions, and how to guide users into producing accessible content. Yes we can! ;-) lp x
W6 Hear and feel your MediaWiki code at work: An accessibility workshop Maria Schiewe and Danny B. Inf Gain a first-hand experience on how disabled people use your code. With a little help, you will test with screen readers and magnifiers, using Braille displays and speech output. Workshop, 1h x Fri/Sat

Friday: 14:30 – 16:00

MultiWikiMedia: Multimedia on Wikimedia

Session Chair:

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
67 Reflections on Wikimedia Commons Michael Snow KaC This talk will offer an assessment of Wikimedia Commons as a media resource, covering both strengths and weaknesses, and incorporating the perspective of an end-user operating outside the Wikimedia environment. 40min x
47 Increasing multimedia participation on Wikimedia websites Guillaume Paumier Inf We will present our new upload interface for Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia, based on research including videos of users testing the interface, and discuss future improvements to the user experience related to multimedia. 40min x
120 Taking Wikipedia to the Third Dimension Jacek Jankowski Inf Interactive three-dimensional web technologies are evolving quickly. Can we take Wikipedia to the third dimension? In the talk I will report on my research on novel 3D Web interaction techniques. 10min x

Talk Pages / LiquidThreads

Session Chair: Erik Moeller

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
28 Dynamics of Wikipedia Talk pages: serving the article, showing the community Jodi Schneider KaC/PaC Talk pages are supposed to provide a space for improving the article. Are they as useful as they could be? I'll briefly describe some ways Talk pages go wrong, then share some prototype systems. Your feedback is encouraged! lp x
85 Threaded discussions on Wikimedia sites with LiquidThreads Andrew Garrett Inf MediaWiki's ad-hoc discussion system has proved difficult to use and difficult to scale. I present the work that I have been doing with the Foundation's support, to implement a more usable and scalable system, without sacrificing the flexibility that we enjoy with our current ad-hoc system. lp x
66 Reflect: A Tool for Discussion Summarization and Active Listening Jonathan T. Morgan (Presenting Author), Travis Kriplean, Lance Bennett, Alan Borning and Deen Freelon, Michael Toomim Inf This talk will introduce a new tool designed to encourage active listening and reflection in online comment threads. The presenter will demonstrate Reflect and present an overview of the problem space, design rationale and potential use cases for the tool. sp x

Governance in Wikipedia & Wikimedia

Session Chair: Liam Wyatt

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
106 Wikimedia: Striving for an International Organisational Scope, The Importance of Culture Delphine Ménard PaC This presentation will be looking at Wikimedia and outside organisations to outline ideas of what models are desirable or possible to expand Wikimedia's outreach internationally, while pointing out the cultural differences that may hinder or foster development of an accepted chapter model. lp x
51 Ius Internet – Wikipedia and the future of law of Internet Joanna Kulesza PaC Jus Internet is a new proposal for Internet governance. It combines ius gentium – the root of international law with the self-adopted regime of cyber-communities, that Wiki-community is prime example of. sp x
33 Feudal Wikipedia The emergence of Government on Wikipedia Marc A. Pelletier PaC Lessons learned from the emergence of government and society structures in medieval societies: can we learn from history to improve governance on Wikimedia projects? sp x
110 Wikipedia eco-system: Power embedded in the governance infrastructure Mayo Fuster Morell PaC The term COMMON-base peer production is used to refer to Wikipedia, but also to other type of online communities. From an analysis of power embedded in the five main models of governance of online communities (which not only consider the community, but also the infrastructure providers – i.e., the Wikimedia Foundation for the case of Wikipedia), I will argue that Wikipedia can be defined as a digital commons, however, other types of online communities (such as Flickr) can not be defined as digital common. sp x

Creating Offline Version of Wiki Content (technical: tools, openZIM, wiki2cd)

Session Chair: Manuel Scheider

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
W28 Creating offline version of Wiki content – Solutions and Challenges (Merge of W16,W22,W23) Manuel Schneider, Santhosh Thottingal, Shiju Alex, Martin Walker KaC/Inf This workshop examines the available technologies for Creating Offline versions of wiki content and is divided into the following three sessions: 1. Extraction, 2. Storage, 3. Reading Workshop, 1.5h x

Friday: 16:30 – 18:00

Usability Initiative & Informing Design with Data

Session Chair: Jacek Jankowski

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
W12 Participating in Product Development Parul Vora, Trevor Parscal, Howie Fung KaC/Inf The work of the Wikipedia Usability Initiative has brought new features to MediaWiki and new processes to the Wikimedia Foundation, presenting new and unique ways for the community to participate. lp x
P19 The future of User experience at Wikimedia Guillaume Paumier Inf This panel is an opportunity for the community to engage in a dedicated, general Q&A session about user experience with the WMF team, and to discuss our short- and longer-term projects. Q&A session x
48 Informing Design with Data Micah Alpern KaC/Inf Data is a powerful tool to inform and inspire new user experiences. Hear stories of how LinkedIn, Yahoo!, eBay, and the Wikimedia Fundraising team used analytics to improve decision making. sp x

About Us – Wikipedians: Motivations, Identities, Traits

Session Chair: Stuart Geiger

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
P18 The organization of lusophone Wikipedia Pietro Fornitano Roveri PaC Results of interviews performed with 18 major contributors of Pt Wikipedia. The interviews addressed: activities outside the Wikipedia, political motivations, characteristics of work on Wikipedia and perception of the importance of Wikipedia in society. lp x
61 Personality traits of Polish Wikipedia members Psychology PaC Presentation on personality of Polish active Wikipedia members and their openness in the Internet compared to real life. Comparison with similar research among English Wikipedians. sp x
108 Editing Wikipedia as an alternative to traditional civic activism Jerzy Celichowski PaC Contributioning to wikipedia can be seen as voluntary work. Traditional indicators of volunteering culture serve as a poor indicator for predicting active wikipedias (number of articles per number of speakers of given language using internet) in the EU. I will try and explain why this is so. Presentation sp x Fri/Sat-Mor
P14 Social identity enactment and roles creation in Wikipedia community Dariusz Jemielniak PaC I will discuss the different roles taken by Wikipedians and try to interpret them through power/knowledge twixt. sp x

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Session Chair: Melissa Hagemann

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
P12 Lessons learned from the development of national OER strategies Melissa Hagemann, Jan-Bart de-Vreede, Everton Zanella Alvarenga, Alek Tarkowski KaC We will look at the experiences of the development of national open educational resources (OER) strategies in the Netherlands, Poland and Brazil and discuss what lessons can be learned to support further expansion of OER globally. Panel, 50min x Fri
118 Polish and New York open education alliances: the future model for broader cooperation? Tomasz Ganicz & Pharos KaC Polish Coalition for Open Education and Free Culture Alliance NYC are semi-formal agreements of non-governmental organizations working in the field of education. Our current achievements and similarities will be discussed. sp x
59 Open-source knowledge, the history, the present and the future. V. V. P. S. PaC/KaC The culture aspect of open source knowledge. Wikimedia foundation vs. the world cultures. Impact on scientific research. sp x Sat/Sun

Community driven publishing of Wikipedia Books

Session Chair: Heiko Hees

Bib Title Presenter (first author) Track Summary Type Confirmed
W19 Publishing Wikipedia Books: Implementing a community driven process to get Wikipedia into book stores Heiko Hees PaC The goal of this workshop is to draft a viable community driven process to get selected parts of Wikipedia into bookstores. The basic idea is to provide and utilize the necessary tools (like the Book Tool) which allow the community to independently create, assess and publish books based on wiki content. Workshop, 1,5h x