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From Wikimania 2010 • Gdańsk, Poland • July 9-11, 2010

Scholarship Program

Please rate the following components coordinated by the Scholarship team:

(1-very poor; 2-poor; 3-average; 4-good; 5-very good)

  • Call for applications
  • Scholarship Q&A
  • Application form
  • Selection criteria
  • Selection process
  • Contact with candidates
  • Travel arrangements
  • Scholarship overall


Wikimania Event

Please rate the following components coordinated by the Wikimania team:

(1-very poor; 2-poor; 3-average; 4-good; 5-very good)

  • Visa arrangements
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Wikimania dates
  • Wikimania location (city)
  • Wikimania venue
  • Wikimania activities
  • Wikimania participants
  • Wikimania overall


Level of Contribution

Please rate the following your level of participation and contribution (time and other resources) to the:

(1-very low; 2-low; 3-moderate; 4-high; 5-very high)

  • Wikimedia movement before applying for a scholarship
  • Wikimania 2010 planning phase, conference and/or related activities
  • Wikimedia movement after applying for a scholarship


Impact on Interest

Please rate the following the impact of the Scholarship Program on your interest to participate in the:

(1-very low; 2-low; 3-moderate; 4-high; 5-very high)

  • Wikimedia movement
  • Wikimania conference
  • Scholarship program


Comments and Suggestions

Is there anything else you would like to share?